La casa, el bosque, el fuego

La casa, el bosque, el fuego
Digital Art

Le he prendido fuego al bosque de mi casa esperando que todas las cosas inservibles, dolorosas y que no me dejan crecer ardan y se conviertan en una ceniza tan ligera que el simple aire de mi respiración cansada las aleje.

Sketch | Final Work

Bust Magazine: Spring cleaning

How To Add Magical Intent To Your Spring Cleaning Routine
Client: BUST Magazine
Art Direction: Meredith Felt

ENG. Here’s the illustration process for the article “How To Add Magical Intent To Your Spring Cleaning Routine” in BUST Magazine about Witch Spring Cleaning. I just loved this one because I love herbs, scents, cleaning and of course witches.

ESP. Proceso de ilustración para el artículo “How To Add Magical Intent To Your Spring Cleaning Routine” de BUST Magazine . Me encantó este proyecto porque me encantan las hierbas, las esencias y por supuesto todo lo que tenga que ver con brujas.

Sketches / Bocetos

ENG. I wanted to add a lot of detail to the final sketch and I know that if I had more time to work on this illustration, it would have been a total mess. This is the final artwork.

ESP. Me hubiera gustado agregar más detalle al boceto final, pero sé que si hubiera tenido más tiempo para trabajar en esta ilustración, habría sido un desastre total. Esta es la ilustración final.

Sojourners Magazine: Julia Esquivel

Julia Esquivel
Client: Sojourners Magazine
Art direction: Ed Spivey
Art: Ale De la Torre
Design: Áurea Carmín Design Studio

ENG. Illustration process of the cover and some spreads for Sojourners Magazine about Julia Esquivel.

ESP. Proceso de ilustración de Julia Esquivel para la portada y páginas internas de la revista Sojourners.

Sketches / Bocetos

Julia Esquivel

Julia Esquivel was an academic at San Carlos University, Guatemala, the Seminario Biblico Latinoamericano in Costa Rica and the Bossey Ecumenical Institute in Switzerland.Her poetry was heavily influenced by the Theology of Liberation. Author of seven books including two collections of poetry Threatened with Resurrection (1982) and The Certainty of Spring (1993).

In 1994 she received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Bern for her poetry which the University noted "gave voice to the suffering of the Guatemalan people in her spiritual poetry." She died in Guatemala on the 19th July 2019.

Final artwork: Cover and spreads / Ilustraciones finales: Portada y páginas internas.


Client: Soultik
Ale De la Torre
Design: Áurea Carmín Design Studio

ENG. I made this illustration for Soultik, a really cool and interesting mexican band influenced by afro music, soul and mayan-tojolabal philosophy. They released their first single called Hermandad from their album ¿Qué dice tu corazón? (What does your heart say?) a couple of days ago and this is the single cover artwork I made for them. The lyrics of the song is a beautiful poem by Octavio Paz.

♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎

ESP. Hice esta ilustración para Soultik, una banda mexicana con un concepto muy padre e interesante cuyas influencias principales son la música afro, el soul y la filosofía maya-tojolabal. Acaban de lanzar el primer sencillo Hermandad de su disco ¿Qué dice tu corazón? y esta es la ilustración que eligieron como portada de este sencillo, cuya letra es un poema de Octavio Paz cantado por Vero, la hermosa voz de Soultik.


Official video for Hermandad

The other (The mushroom hunters)

The mushroom hunters

Science, as you know, my little one, is the study
of the nature and behaviour of the universe.
It’s based on observation, on experiment, and measurement,
and the formulation of laws to describe the facts revealed.

In the old times, they say, the men came already fitted with brains
designed to follow flesh-beasts at a run,
to hurdle blindly into the unknown,
and then to find their way back home when lost
with a slain antelope to carry between them.
Or, on bad hunting days, nothing.

The women, who did not need to run down prey,
had brains that spotted landmarks and made paths between them
left at the thorn bush and across the scree
and look down in the bole of the half-fallen tree,
because sometimes there are mushrooms.

Before the flint club, or flint butcher’s tools,
The first tool of all was a sling for the baby
to keep our hands free
and something to put the berries and the mushrooms in,
the roots and the good leaves, the seeds and the crawlers.
Then a flint pestle to smash, to crush, to grind or break.

And sometimes men chased the beasts
into the deep woods,
and never came back.

Some mushrooms will kill you,
while some will show you gods
and some will feed the hunger in our bellies. Identify.
Others will kill us if we eat them raw,
and kill us again if we cook them once,
but if we boil them up in spring water, and pour the water away,
and then boil them once more, and pour the water away,
only then can we eat them safely. Observe.

Observe childbirth, measure the swell of bellies and the shape of breasts,
and through experience discover how to bring babies safely into the world.

Observe everything.

And the mushroom hunters walk the ways they walk
and watch the world, and see what they observe.
And some of them would thrive and lick their lips,
While others clutched their stomachs and expired.
So laws are made and handed down on what is safe.

The tools we make to build our lives:
our clothes, our food, our path home…
all these things we base on observation,
on experiment, on measurement, on truth.

And science, you remember, is the study
of the nature and behaviour of the universe,
based on observation, experiment, and measurement,
and the formulation of laws to describe these facts.

The race continues. An early scientist
drew beasts upon the walls of caves
to show her children, now all fat on mushrooms
and on berries, what would be safe to hunt.

The men go running on after beasts.

The scientists walk more slowly, over to the brow of the hill
and down to the water’s edge and past the place where the red clay runs.
They are carrying their babies in the slings they made,
freeing their hands to pick the mushrooms.

Neil Gaiman


Bestia abisal: bisonte

La torpe y amorosa bestia camina sobre la noche persiguiendo un señuelo; carga en su lomo un bosque de niebla y la entrada a otros mundos. Entre la densa bruma que lleva a cuestas se va enmarañando la madreselva y en los troncos de sauces muertos crecen flores que guardan agua de cada tormenta. El animal ha amarrado fuertemente a su pelo la fiesta de todos los pueblos y les ha trenzado hilo de maguey para jalar nubes que mantienen su vientre con vida. La criatura abisal, cegada por un amor inmenso, ha decidido seguir una luz ignorando que es su propio destello.

Abyssal beast. Digital art.

Abyssal beast. Digital art.

10,000 days

"Third eye"

Watercolor painting inspired by Tool's 10,000 days album. One of my favorite bands and one of my favorite albums.