La casa, el bosque, el fuego

La casa, el bosque, el fuego
Digital Art

Le he prendido fuego al bosque de mi casa esperando que todas las cosas inservibles, dolorosas y que no me dejan crecer ardan y se conviertan en una ceniza tan ligera que el simple aire de mi respiración cansada las aleje.

Sketch | Final Work


PAPER TIGER curated by Hellion gallery at Not a gallery
19 09 2019

Last night the show was full of amazing art, these are some of my favorite pieces: Meg Adamson, Violeta Hernandez, Jon Macnair, Diana Bama, Mike Sandoval, Youko Horiuchi.

ENG. This is the piece I made for the exhibition. The original art was made with ink on paper and then I made another version adding some color and texture for a unique print which fortunately found a new loving home last night.

I really enjoyed doing this painting because I had never done a tiger before and I usually tend to add color to my work, but this time I just wanted something that would enhance the line work. Of course I made a third version full of color (just because I love color) for limited edition prints that I will put on my Etsy shop soon.

Great show and delicious mezcal!

✒︎ ✒︎ ✒︎ ✒︎ ✒︎

ESP. Esta es la pieza que hice para la exposición. El original es en tinta sobre papel e hice otra versión agregando algo de color y textura para una impresión única que afortunadamente ayer encontró un nuevo y cariñoso hogar.

Disfruté mucho hacer este trabajo porque nunca había hecho tigres y porque siempre tiendo a poner color a todo, pero para la exposición quería algo simple que resaltara el trabajo de línea. Por supuesto, después hice una tercera versión a color para una edición limitada de impresiones que pronto subiré a mi tienda de Etsy.

Paper Tiger
Hellion Gallery / Not a Gallery | Collective exhibition | September 19 | Mexico city.

The beauty of diversity

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere."

Vincent van Gogh

Disonancia I

Disonancia I: para atravesar una aurora boreal hay que arrancarse el corazón.


Artery skein: My monster heart 

ENG. For this piece (Artery skein: My monster heart) I started with a couple of sketches, one very general and one in which I worked lights and shadows, but I felt that something was missing in the illustration, so I worked on a lot of new sketches until I found the right one. When I start inking, I usually use different thicknesses of pens, but this time I used only one and liked how it turned out. For the color palette I was inspired by bugambilias, in all those beautiful magenta and cherry shades.

☽  ☽  ☽  ☽  ☽

ESP. Este es una probadita del proceso creativo de Artery skein: My monster heart. Comencé con un par de bocetos, uno muy general y otro en el que trabajé luces y sombras, pero sentía que algo le faltaba a la ilustración, así que trabajé en varios bocetos más hasta que el dibujo salió tal como lo quería. Para la ilustración en tinta generalmente uso estilógrafos de diferentes grosores, pero esta vez usé sólo uno y me gustó mucho el resultado. Para la paleta de colores me inspiré en las bugambilias que llenan de color la ciudad, particularmente de esos colores guinda y magenta que tanto me gustan. 


Inspiración para la paleta de colores / Color inspiration

Etapas de la ilustración / Illustration process


“In fairy tales, monsters exist to be a manifestation of something that we need to understand, not only a problem we need to overcome, but also they need to represent, much like angels represent the beautiful, pure, eternal side of the human spirit, monsters need to represent a more tangible, more mortal side of being human: aging, decay, darkness and so forth. And I believe that monsters originally, when we were cavemen and you know, sitting around a fire, we needed to explain the birth of the sun and the death of the moon and the phases of the moon and rain and thunder. And we invented creatures that made sense of the world: a serpent that ate the sun, a creature that ate the moon, a man in the moon living there, things like that. And as we became more and more sophisticated and created sort of a social structure, the real enigmas started not to be outside. The rain and the thunder were logical now. But the real enigmas became social. All those impulses that we were repressing: cannibalism, murder, these things needed an explanation. The sex drive, the need to hunt, the need to kill, these things then became personified in monsters. Werewolves, vampires, ogres, this and that. I feel that monsters are here in our world to help us understand it. They are an essential part of a fable.” 

― Guillermo del Toro

☽  ☽  ☽  ☽  ☽    We are all monsters   ☽  ☽  ☽  ☽  ☽